how to use the metallic logo sticker: the metallic logo stickerhas three layers, the surface layer is protective film, the middle layer is finished product, and the last layer is self-adhesive. 1. wipe the dust on the surface of metal logo s...
the nickel metal sticker logo signs produced are widely used in electronic digital products, household appliances, leather goods, packaging gift boxes, earphones, mobile phone shells, car keys, golf club nameplates, furniture and other prod...
在我们的生活中,不锈钢标牌可以说是无处不在,起着非常大的作用,那么不锈钢标牌到底有什么优点呢?深圳市金泰通标牌厂家的技术人员为大家介绍一下: 一、 不锈钢标牌重量较...
即使是质量再好,性能再佳的不锈钢标牌,它的使用寿命也是有限的。那么如何延长不锈钢标牌的使用寿命呢?深圳市金泰通标牌厂家技术人员为大家分析一下: 1、为保持油漆色泽完...
用热熔胶的超薄镍标粘贴在皮料上 这种超薄镍标,如果要粘贴在皮料上,如手机皮套,表面为皮质的蓝牙音箱等。使用普通水胶的标牌粘贴在皮料上,会容易脱落,这就要求在选择胶水...